Entries by Sebastian

Desafío 10X | Interview with Eliana Moreno from Unibag

  A sustainable revolution called Unibag: 10X Company leads the reusable bag market in Chile reusable bags in Chile Eliana Moreno, Unibag’s Innovation and Sustainability Manager, told us how they have laid the foundations of a business model that has made them pioneers in the laid the foundations of a business model that has made […]

Plastic bags are still sold in Chile

July 3 International Plastic Bag Free Day International Plastic Bag Free Day was established to raise awareness of the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment and to promote more sustainable alternatives. These bags are a serious problem because they are single-use and easily discarded. In Chile, despite a law that prohibits them, plastic […]

Inauguration of UNIBAG Photovoltaic Plant

UNIBAG installs more than 500 solar panels in its factory to produce its reusable bags with self-generated solar energy.   UNIBAG, a leading manufacturer of reusable bags nationwide, has taken a major step towards sustainability and carbon reduction. The company has installed more than 500 solar panels at its factory, which will enable it to […]

Bag Recovery Program

How can we prevent a reusable bag from becoming waste? Reusable bags have helped reduce plastic pollution. It is no longer as common to find disposable bags in our environment as it was in the past. One reusable bag replaces the use of approx. 200 disposable bags, when reused. But what happens at the end […]